Participant Recruitment
Want to Volunteer?
Child Study – Saliva & Stool
The SYNAPSE program is currently recruiting for a study that examines saliva and stool biomarkers in children with ASD. This study is seeking children 2.5-5.5 years old, either with or without an ASD diagnosis. To participate, one visit to the Martinos Center is expected, along with stool and saliva sample collection. If you are interested in participating or if you have additional questions, please email us at synapse@mgh.harvard.edu or call at (617) 726-4429.

Infant Study – Early ASD Detection
The SYNAPSE program is also currently recruiting for a study that examines early detection signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are seeking infants 0-6 months old, both typically developing children and those with high ASD risk. If you are interested in participating or if you have additional questions, please email us at synapse@mgh.harvard.edu or call at (617) 726-4429.